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Dichapetalins from the Twigs of Dichapetalum longipetalum with Cytotoxic Activities

2024-03-14 16:23

Dichapetalins from the Twigs of Dichapetalum longipetalum with Cytotoxic Activities

By: Zhou, Bin ; Gao, Xin-Hua; Zhang, Min-Min; Liu, Hong-Chun; Yue, Jian-Min 

Journal of Natural Products (2023), 86(1), 209-221 | Language: English, Database: CAplus and MEDLINE

Dichapetalins from the Twigs of Dichapetalum longipetalum with Cytotoxic Activities

2024-03-14 16:23

Dichapetalins from the Twigs of Dichapetalum longipetalum with Cytotoxic Activities

By: Zhou, Bin ; Gao, Xin-Hua; Zhang, Min-Min; Liu, Hong-Chun; Yue, Jian-Min 

Journal of Natural Products (2023), 86(1), 209-221 | Language: English, Database: CAplus and MEDLINE